Monday, March 24, 2008

The Thomas Jane Factor

Baby, just burn.....

Yeah.  I'm hopped-up on straight-firing adrenaline after stepping on the scale this morning.  I've dropped another few pounds, reaching 176 pounds.  This means that I have come within 16 pounds of my "goal".  My brother is encouraging me to reach into the depths of my resolve in order to go the extra mile--why not shoot for an even healthier 150 pounds?  I think I can do that.

After I hit the ground with my weight-loss, it will be time to maintain.... and possibly develop the Thomas Jane "Punisher" physique.  THAT would be me in ABSOLUTELY amazing shape.  I can fucking do it.  I can push myself to destroy..... OBLITERATE.... the little wimp that I was for the last 2 years.

Don't give me oil, just gasoline!

I just got back from one of the toughest cardio sessions at the gym that I've ever pushed myself to go through.  I started sweating about 6 minutes in, and didn't stop for an hour.  I wouldn't be surprised if I sweated off a pound.  I did, however, notice that I got way too involved in pushing myself.... nearly to the point of my heart giving out....  I need to keep a more watchful eye on that.  I know that I've done longer sessions of cardio, but this session... this was so high impact!!!

Baby, just burn!

See what happens when you start going to the gym!??!!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?


That's right....  start me up, I'll never stop.  

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